Alien Warrior (1985)
DIRECTOR: Ed Hunt (Starship Invasions, Bloody Birthday)
STARS: Brett Clark (Malibu Express, Eye of the Eagle), Pamela Saunders, Reggie De Morton (Death Chase), Nelson Anderson
SYNOPSIS: A hunky human-like alien arrives on earth and begins asking random people, including an old homeless man, where he can find "great evil". He's a good alien and has taken it upon himself to help mankind fight bad guys. He stops a group of Mexican gang members from raping a woman. The grateful victim then befriends the visitor and shows him a free school she runs in the L.A. ghetto where children can learn how to read. It's not long before the alien finds true evil in the form of a black drug dealing pimp played by the intense Reggie De Morton (the film's most memorable performance). Eventually the alien inspires the breakdancing Mexican gang members to brush up on their reading skills and, in the film's funniest scene, paint over graffiti in their hood with positive slogans like "Be Temperate" and "Do Not Murder"! It culminates with the alien and his new friends having a showdown with "great evil". It's a weird mix of The Terminator, blaxploitation and religious inspirational films. Filled with sleaze, nudity, torture and violence. It's funny and strange.
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free NTSC dvd-R
DIRECTOR: Ed Hunt (Starship Invasions, Bloody Birthday)
STARS: Brett Clark (Malibu Express, Eye of the Eagle), Pamela Saunders, Reggie De Morton (Death Chase), Nelson Anderson
SYNOPSIS: A hunky human-like alien arrives on earth and begins asking random people, including an old homeless man, where he can find "great evil". He's a good alien and has taken it upon himself to help mankind fight bad guys. He stops a group of Mexican gang members from raping a woman. The grateful victim then befriends the visitor and shows him a free school she runs in the L.A. ghetto where children can learn how to read. It's not long before the alien finds true evil in the form of a black drug dealing pimp played by the intense Reggie De Morton (the film's most memorable performance). Eventually the alien inspires the breakdancing Mexican gang members to brush up on their reading skills and, in the film's funniest scene, paint over graffiti in their hood with positive slogans like "Be Temperate" and "Do Not Murder"! It culminates with the alien and his new friends having a showdown with "great evil". It's a weird mix of The Terminator, blaxploitation and religious inspirational films. Filled with sleaze, nudity, torture and violence. It's funny and strange.
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free NTSC dvd-R

DIRECTOR: Ed Hunt (Starship Invasions, Bloody Birthday)
STARS: Brett Clark (Malibu Express, Eye of the Eagle), Pamela Saunders, Reggie De Morton (Death Chase), Nelson Anderson
SYNOPSIS: A hunky human-like alien arrives on earth and begins asking random people, including an old homeless man, where he can find "great evil". He's a good alien and has taken it upon himself to help mankind fight bad guys. He stops a group of Mexican gang members from raping a woman. The grateful victim then befriends the visitor and shows him a free school she runs in the L.A. ghetto where children can learn how to read. It's not long before the alien finds true evil in the form of a black drug dealing pimp played by the intense Reggie De Morton (the film's most memorable performance). Eventually the alien inspires the breakdancing Mexican gang members to brush up on their reading skills and, in the film's funniest scene, paint over graffiti in their hood with positive slogans like "Be Temperate" and "Do Not Murder"! It culminates with the alien and his new friends having a showdown with "great evil". It's a weird mix of The Terminator, blaxploitation and religious inspirational films. Filled with sleaze, nudity, torture and violence. It's funny and strange.
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free NTSC dvd-R