Erotic Passion (1981)
DIRECTOR: Ilias Mylonakos (Operation Orient, The Mark, Nathalie)
STARS: Monica Nickel (Wild Beasts), Ajita Wilson (Escape From Hell), Femi Benussi (Strip Nude for Your Killer, M'Lady's Court), Dimitris Tsaftardis
SYNOPSIS: Neo Noir meets sexploitation with a murder plot, revenge, backstabbing and 70's trans star Ajita Wilson. Oversexed teen orphan Monica Nickel is annoyed by her overbearing aunt played by Italian cult star Femi Benussi. Her aunt wants to control Nickel's inherited fortune. Meanwhile, sleazy criminal "Haris" is on the lam with his black Amazon girlfriend (Wilson) hiding out in a remote beachside home. When Nickel and the fugitive couple cross paths they hatch a Strangers on a Train style plan. Nickel will secure fake passports and a clean escape in exchange for the murder of her pesky aunt. Like all good noir tales these best laid plans go awry. The plot is more serious than the usual "Private Screenings" fare with virtually no comedic touches. The sex is pretty graphic with both female and male nudity. Trans wonder Ajita Wilson towers over her co-stars, dances at a disco and has a few sex scenes. Recommended. Filmed in Greece.
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R
DIRECTOR: Ilias Mylonakos (Operation Orient, The Mark, Nathalie)
STARS: Monica Nickel (Wild Beasts), Ajita Wilson (Escape From Hell), Femi Benussi (Strip Nude for Your Killer, M'Lady's Court), Dimitris Tsaftardis
SYNOPSIS: Neo Noir meets sexploitation with a murder plot, revenge, backstabbing and 70's trans star Ajita Wilson. Oversexed teen orphan Monica Nickel is annoyed by her overbearing aunt played by Italian cult star Femi Benussi. Her aunt wants to control Nickel's inherited fortune. Meanwhile, sleazy criminal "Haris" is on the lam with his black Amazon girlfriend (Wilson) hiding out in a remote beachside home. When Nickel and the fugitive couple cross paths they hatch a Strangers on a Train style plan. Nickel will secure fake passports and a clean escape in exchange for the murder of her pesky aunt. Like all good noir tales these best laid plans go awry. The plot is more serious than the usual "Private Screenings" fare with virtually no comedic touches. The sex is pretty graphic with both female and male nudity. Trans wonder Ajita Wilson towers over her co-stars, dances at a disco and has a few sex scenes. Recommended. Filmed in Greece.
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R

DIRECTOR: Ilias Mylonakos (Operation Orient, The Mark, Nathalie)
STARS: Monica Nickel (Wild Beasts), Ajita Wilson (Escape From Hell), Femi Benussi (Strip Nude for Your Killer, M'Lady's Court), Dimitris Tsaftardis
SYNOPSIS: Neo Noir meets sexploitation with a murder plot, revenge, backstabbing and 70's trans star Ajita Wilson. Oversexed teen orphan Monica Nickel is annoyed by her overbearing aunt played by Italian cult star Femi Benussi. Her aunt wants to control Nickel's inherited fortune. Meanwhile, sleazy criminal "Haris" is on the lam with his black Amazon girlfriend (Wilson) hiding out in a remote beachside home. When Nickel and the fugitive couple cross paths they hatch a Strangers on a Train style plan. Nickel will secure fake passports and a clean escape in exchange for the murder of her pesky aunt. Like all good noir tales these best laid plans go awry. The plot is more serious than the usual "Private Screenings" fare with virtually no comedic touches. The sex is pretty graphic with both female and male nudity. Trans wonder Ajita Wilson towers over her co-stars, dances at a disco and has a few sex scenes. Recommended. Filmed in Greece.
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R