Flesh Feast (1970) / Castle of Evil (1966)
Two features on 1 DVD
DIRECTOR: Flesh Feast: Brad Grinter (Blood Freak, Devil Rider) / Castle of Evil: Francis D. Lyon (Destination Inner Space)
STARS: Flesh Feast: Veronica Lake (This Gun For Hire), Phil Philbin, Chris Martell (The Gruesome Twosome), Bill Rogers (A Taste of Blood) / Castle of Evil: Scott Brady (Johnny Guitar), Virginia Mayo (White Heat), David Brian (The Damned Don’t Cry), Lisa Gaye (Face of Terror), Hugh Marlowe (The Day the Earth Stood Still)
SYNOPSIS: Two cheesy horror films starring former Hollywood stars past their prime.
Flesh Feast: Former Hollywood glamour girl Veronica Lake stars as a scientist who specializes in reversing the aging process. She uses flesh eating maggots raised in her basement lab, in a residential house in Miami(!), to perfect this procedure. Lots of greasy haired middle-aged men who smoke non-stop fund her efforts. They keep talking about how their “Commander” or “Leader” will arrive soon and his treatment must be successful. One drawback is that the maggots need the flesh of humans in order to thrive. After a hospital keeps reporting missing bodies, the police and a local reporter are stumped. It all comes to a climax when the mysterious “Commander” arrives. A trash horror classic with a slumming star, lurid plot and some gore. It might remind you of an H.G. Lewis film. In fact, three H.G. Lewis players turn up as both actors and crew members: William Kerwin (Blood Feast), Chris Martell (The Gruesome Twosome) and Bill Rogers (A Taste of Blood). Bonus: Original theatrical trailer. Running time: 1hr 12mins
Castle of Evil: A group of strangers (3 men and 2 women) are summoned to a castle on a remote island by the caretaker of a powerful man, “Kovac”, who has damaged each of their lives. They were invited under the pretense of him making amends and the reading of his will. Before long what appears to be Kovac’s zombie is terrorizing and trying to kill each of the guests. The setting is like a modern (for 1970) version of Roger Corman’s “Poe” films (creepy castle, hidden passageways, thunder & lightning, etc). The old pros seem like they’re having fun even though it’s a cheesy horror film. An unreleased-on-dvd late night favorite. Running time: 1hr 21mins
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R
Two features on 1 DVD
DIRECTOR: Flesh Feast: Brad Grinter (Blood Freak, Devil Rider) / Castle of Evil: Francis D. Lyon (Destination Inner Space)
STARS: Flesh Feast: Veronica Lake (This Gun For Hire), Phil Philbin, Chris Martell (The Gruesome Twosome), Bill Rogers (A Taste of Blood) / Castle of Evil: Scott Brady (Johnny Guitar), Virginia Mayo (White Heat), David Brian (The Damned Don’t Cry), Lisa Gaye (Face of Terror), Hugh Marlowe (The Day the Earth Stood Still)
SYNOPSIS: Two cheesy horror films starring former Hollywood stars past their prime.
Flesh Feast: Former Hollywood glamour girl Veronica Lake stars as a scientist who specializes in reversing the aging process. She uses flesh eating maggots raised in her basement lab, in a residential house in Miami(!), to perfect this procedure. Lots of greasy haired middle-aged men who smoke non-stop fund her efforts. They keep talking about how their “Commander” or “Leader” will arrive soon and his treatment must be successful. One drawback is that the maggots need the flesh of humans in order to thrive. After a hospital keeps reporting missing bodies, the police and a local reporter are stumped. It all comes to a climax when the mysterious “Commander” arrives. A trash horror classic with a slumming star, lurid plot and some gore. It might remind you of an H.G. Lewis film. In fact, three H.G. Lewis players turn up as both actors and crew members: William Kerwin (Blood Feast), Chris Martell (The Gruesome Twosome) and Bill Rogers (A Taste of Blood). Bonus: Original theatrical trailer. Running time: 1hr 12mins
Castle of Evil: A group of strangers (3 men and 2 women) are summoned to a castle on a remote island by the caretaker of a powerful man, “Kovac”, who has damaged each of their lives. They were invited under the pretense of him making amends and the reading of his will. Before long what appears to be Kovac’s zombie is terrorizing and trying to kill each of the guests. The setting is like a modern (for 1970) version of Roger Corman’s “Poe” films (creepy castle, hidden passageways, thunder & lightning, etc). The old pros seem like they’re having fun even though it’s a cheesy horror film. An unreleased-on-dvd late night favorite. Running time: 1hr 21mins
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R

Two features on 1 DVD
DIRECTOR: Flesh Feast: Brad Grinter (Blood Freak, Devil Rider) / Castle of Evil: Francis D. Lyon (Destination Inner Space)
STARS: Flesh Feast: Veronica Lake (This Gun For Hire), Phil Philbin, Chris Martell (The Gruesome Twosome), Bill Rogers (A Taste of Blood) / Castle of Evil: Scott Brady (Johnny Guitar), Virginia Mayo (White Heat), David Brian (The Damned Don’t Cry), Lisa Gaye (Face of Terror), Hugh Marlowe (The Day the Earth Stood Still)
SYNOPSIS: Two cheesy horror films starring former Hollywood stars past their prime.
Flesh Feast: Former Hollywood glamour girl Veronica Lake stars as a scientist who specializes in reversing the aging process. She uses flesh eating maggots raised in her basement lab, in a residential house in Miami(!), to perfect this procedure. Lots of greasy haired middle-aged men who smoke non-stop fund her efforts. They keep talking about how their “Commander” or “Leader” will arrive soon and his treatment must be successful. One drawback is that the maggots need the flesh of humans in order to thrive. After a hospital keeps reporting missing bodies, the police and a local reporter are stumped. It all comes to a climax when the mysterious “Commander” arrives. A trash horror classic with a slumming star, lurid plot and some gore. It might remind you of an H.G. Lewis film. In fact, three H.G. Lewis players turn up as both actors and crew members: William Kerwin (Blood Feast), Chris Martell (The Gruesome Twosome) and Bill Rogers (A Taste of Blood). Bonus: Original theatrical trailer. Running time: 1hr 12mins
Castle of Evil: A group of strangers (3 men and 2 women) are summoned to a castle on a remote island by the caretaker of a powerful man, “Kovac”, who has damaged each of their lives. They were invited under the pretense of him making amends and the reading of his will. Before long what appears to be Kovac’s zombie is terrorizing and trying to kill each of the guests. The setting is like a modern (for 1970) version of Roger Corman’s “Poe” films (creepy castle, hidden passageways, thunder & lightning, etc). The old pros seem like they’re having fun even though it’s a cheesy horror film. An unreleased-on-dvd late night favorite. Running time: 1hr 21mins
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R