Double Feature





(Double Feature on one DVD)

Plunge Into Darkness: Peter Maxwell / Gone to Ground: Kevin Dobson

STARS: Plunge Into Darkness: Bruce Barry, John Jarratt (Wolf Creek), Olivia Hamnett / Gone to Ground: Eric Oldfield, Charles Tingwell, Elaine Lee

SYNOPSIS: Two low key thrillers made for Australia TV.

Plunge Into Darkness: First up is any energetic drama with a decent amount of action. Two brothers escape from prison and try to make their way through the Australian bush to freedom. Meanwhile, a middle aged couple drive out to the country for a vacation. Along the way they find a murdered man hung up like a scarecrow in a field and a dead woman inside a farmhouse. An odd teenage boy, who may be a psychopath, is found wandering around. The husband leaves the wife and weird kid alone while he goes for help. He passes the escaped convicts who are heading straight towards the farmhouse for a violent ending. This one moves along fairly quickly with mostly solid performances especially from the creepy teen and future Wolf Creek star John Jarratt.

Gone to Ground: Slow paced thriller about a man being blackmailed for a crime in his past. After receiving a threatening note in the mail he's beaten bloody by a bunch of teens of skateboards! Pretty demeaning for the hero of a film. His shady boss offers the use of his country home until the mess blows over. Meanwhile, a cast of suspects and red herrings are introduced. The man and his timid girlfriend are terrorized and shot at by a motorcycle riding assassin. For vintage Australian TV lovers only.

*For more see: Deadly Game, La Traque, Explosion, The Hunt, Red White and Busted and Redneck

Fullscreen / Color (both films)

Region Free NTSC dvd-R

BLACK dvd case (above image is the front cover art)

Buy "Plunge Into Darkness / Gone to Ground" : $20.00

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