Ruckus (1980)
(aka Ruckus in Madoc County)
DIRECTOR: Max Kleven
STARS: Dirk Benedict (The A Team), Linda Blair (Savage Streets), Richard Farnsworth (The Grey Fox), Ben Johnson, Matt Clark (Honkey, Brubaker), Jon Van Ness (Tourist Trap)
SYNOPSIS: Two years before First Blood was released Dirk Benedict played a Nam vet being hassled by small minded redneck cops in a Southern town. Linda Blair co-stars as his love interest along with a great supporting cast of character actors. Tons of action and car crashes in this fan favorite that has an odd mix of Smokey and the Bandit-style laughs and serious drama. WIDESCREEN
~ Full review coming soon ~
Widescreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R
(aka Ruckus in Madoc County)
DIRECTOR: Max Kleven
STARS: Dirk Benedict (The A Team), Linda Blair (Savage Streets), Richard Farnsworth (The Grey Fox), Ben Johnson, Matt Clark (Honkey, Brubaker), Jon Van Ness (Tourist Trap)
SYNOPSIS: Two years before First Blood was released Dirk Benedict played a Nam vet being hassled by small minded redneck cops in a Southern town. Linda Blair co-stars as his love interest along with a great supporting cast of character actors. Tons of action and car crashes in this fan favorite that has an odd mix of Smokey and the Bandit-style laughs and serious drama. WIDESCREEN
~ Full review coming soon ~
Widescreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R

(aka Ruckus in Madoc County)
DIRECTOR: Max Kleven
STARS: Dirk Benedict (The A Team), Linda Blair (Savage Streets), Richard Farnsworth (The Grey Fox), Ben Johnson, Matt Clark (Honkey, Brubaker), Jon Van Ness (Tourist Trap)
SYNOPSIS: Two years before First Blood was released Dirk Benedict played a Nam vet being hassled by small minded redneck cops in a Southern town. Linda Blair co-stars as his love interest along with a great supporting cast of character actors. Tons of action and car crashes in this fan favorite that has an odd mix of Smokey and the Bandit-style laughs and serious drama. WIDESCREEN
~ Full review coming soon ~
Widescreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R