It Came From Hollywood (1982)
DIRECTOR: Malcolm Leo, Andrew Solt
STARS: Dan Ackroyd, John Candy, Cheech & Chong, Gilda Radner
SYNOPSIS: A bit of a flop in theaters this one played quite often on early 80's cable. It's a thoroughly entertaining collection of cult film clips. They break the clips into different categories. Gilda Radner presents: "Gorillas", "Musical Memories" and "Monsters". Dan Ackroyd presents: "Aliens", "TroubledTeenagers" and "The Brain". Cheech & Chong presents: "Giants and Little People", "The Animal Kingdom Goes Berserk" and "Getting High in the Movies". John Candy presents: "Ed Wood Jr", "Prevues of Coming Attractions" and "Technical Triumphs". All the hosts have a lot of fun introducing the clips, playing silly characters and even goofing on the footage ala "Mystery Science Theater 3000". Featuring expertly edited clips from over 90 movies, trailers and drive-in promos too numerous to name (including some real rarities). Some of my personal favorite moments are Cheech & Chong's visit to the snack bar, Radner's "Musical Memories" segment - which is hilarious and Candy's fun "Technical Triumphs" segment. A highly recommended must have!
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R
DIRECTOR: Malcolm Leo, Andrew Solt
STARS: Dan Ackroyd, John Candy, Cheech & Chong, Gilda Radner
SYNOPSIS: A bit of a flop in theaters this one played quite often on early 80's cable. It's a thoroughly entertaining collection of cult film clips. They break the clips into different categories. Gilda Radner presents: "Gorillas", "Musical Memories" and "Monsters". Dan Ackroyd presents: "Aliens", "TroubledTeenagers" and "The Brain". Cheech & Chong presents: "Giants and Little People", "The Animal Kingdom Goes Berserk" and "Getting High in the Movies". John Candy presents: "Ed Wood Jr", "Prevues of Coming Attractions" and "Technical Triumphs". All the hosts have a lot of fun introducing the clips, playing silly characters and even goofing on the footage ala "Mystery Science Theater 3000". Featuring expertly edited clips from over 90 movies, trailers and drive-in promos too numerous to name (including some real rarities). Some of my personal favorite moments are Cheech & Chong's visit to the snack bar, Radner's "Musical Memories" segment - which is hilarious and Candy's fun "Technical Triumphs" segment. A highly recommended must have!
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R

DIRECTOR: Malcolm Leo, Andrew Solt
STARS: Dan Ackroyd, John Candy, Cheech & Chong, Gilda Radner
SYNOPSIS: A bit of a flop in theaters this one played quite often on early 80's cable. It's a thoroughly entertaining collection of cult film clips. They break the clips into different categories. Gilda Radner presents: "Gorillas", "Musical Memories" and "Monsters". Dan Ackroyd presents: "Aliens", "TroubledTeenagers" and "The Brain". Cheech & Chong presents: "Giants and Little People", "The Animal Kingdom Goes Berserk" and "Getting High in the Movies". John Candy presents: "Ed Wood Jr", "Prevues of Coming Attractions" and "Technical Triumphs". All the hosts have a lot of fun introducing the clips, playing silly characters and even goofing on the footage ala "Mystery Science Theater 3000". Featuring expertly edited clips from over 90 movies, trailers and drive-in promos too numerous to name (including some real rarities). Some of my personal favorite moments are Cheech & Chong's visit to the snack bar, Radner's "Musical Memories" segment - which is hilarious and Candy's fun "Technical Triumphs" segment. A highly recommended must have!
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R