9 (Nine) Ages of Nakedness (1970)
DIRECTOR: George Harrison Marks (As Nature Intended, Come Play With me)
STARS: Charles Gray (narrator) (Rocky Horror Picture Show), Bruno Elrington, June Palmer, Carol Hamilton, Sue Bond
Tagline: "From the Stone Age to the Topless Computer Age with 150 Topless International Beauties!"
The tagline pretty much sums it up for Harrison Marks' nudity-packed trip through history. A present day girlie photographer (Marks himself) complains to a psychiatrist about the girl troubles he and his ancestors have had over the decades. We are then shown everything from cavemen, an ancient Egyptian orgy, Fu Manchu style concubines, live nude statues in Greece, Victorian England and more all the way up to space age chicks, dressed in fetish type gear, bossing around subservient men. Absolutely filled with full frontal nudity, silly comedy and slapstick.
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R
DIRECTOR: George Harrison Marks (As Nature Intended, Come Play With me)
STARS: Charles Gray (narrator) (Rocky Horror Picture Show), Bruno Elrington, June Palmer, Carol Hamilton, Sue Bond
Tagline: "From the Stone Age to the Topless Computer Age with 150 Topless International Beauties!"
The tagline pretty much sums it up for Harrison Marks' nudity-packed trip through history. A present day girlie photographer (Marks himself) complains to a psychiatrist about the girl troubles he and his ancestors have had over the decades. We are then shown everything from cavemen, an ancient Egyptian orgy, Fu Manchu style concubines, live nude statues in Greece, Victorian England and more all the way up to space age chicks, dressed in fetish type gear, bossing around subservient men. Absolutely filled with full frontal nudity, silly comedy and slapstick.
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R

DIRECTOR: George Harrison Marks (As Nature Intended, Come Play With me)
STARS: Charles Gray (narrator) (Rocky Horror Picture Show), Bruno Elrington, June Palmer, Carol Hamilton, Sue Bond
Tagline: "From the Stone Age to the Topless Computer Age with 150 Topless International Beauties!"
The tagline pretty much sums it up for Harrison Marks' nudity-packed trip through history. A present day girlie photographer (Marks himself) complains to a psychiatrist about the girl troubles he and his ancestors have had over the decades. We are then shown everything from cavemen, an ancient Egyptian orgy, Fu Manchu style concubines, live nude statues in Greece, Victorian England and more all the way up to space age chicks, dressed in fetish type gear, bossing around subservient men. Absolutely filled with full frontal nudity, silly comedy and slapstick.
Fullscreen / Color
Region Free / Code Free DVD-R