
~ VCR classic: VHS_action_4 ~



DIRECTOR: Clark Henderson (Saigon Commandos, Warlords from Hell)

STARS: Patrick Dollaghan (Kill Slade), Wesley Penning, Joey Aresco (Supertrain), Vernon Wells (Road Warrior, Commando)

SYNOPSIS: "Tom Price" (Dollaghan) is an American soldier who sees his wife killed when the family is trying to flee Manila during a war. Shell-shocked, he gives his brother custody of his young daughter and leaves the country. Many years later his brother is murdered while trying to rescue the daughter from a criminal group that includes sex slavery among their specialties. Tom then returns to Manila for answers and revenge. A pretty basic revenge story helped by a good dose of 90's style action and violence. It's filled with reckless car chases, shoot-outs, nudity, fight scenes and explosions. A few action sequences take place on the overly crowded streets and open air wet markets of Manila with hundreds of unpaid onlookers watching as actors chase and beat each other! Plus you get a soundtrack filled with late 80's / early 90's era original songs that are memorably awful. You'll wish Dollaghan had done more exploitation films as his performance is like a cross between Matthew McConaughey's wiseass vibe and William Smith's toughness. Ten years after his memorable appearance in The Road Warrior, Vernon Wells again plays the heavy.

*For more see:
Sudden Death, H-Bomb, Fireback and Amsterdam Kill

Fullscreen / Color

Region Free NTSC dvd-R

RED dvd case (above image is the front cover art)

Buy "Circle of Fear" : $20.00

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